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Asked by admin_kristin to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate on 4 May 2012.
Keywords: competition, start
I still have one more section to complete on my profile
Ready to rock and roll!
May 6: Almost completely ready – Festival of Nations ends tomorrow so I don’t have that to worry about.
EDIT: Now that the festival is over, I can put all my focus into this.
Ready as I’ll ever be.
Let’s do this!
@Kate That’s fine! Testing the system, students will start to explore next week, and real questions will go live in a week.
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Good to go! Students are really pumped to get involved & have generated some pretty solid criteria!
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I still have one more section to complete on my profile
Ready to rock and roll!
May 6: Almost completely ready – Festival of Nations ends tomorrow so I don’t have that to worry about.
EDIT: Now that the festival is over, I can put all my focus into this.
Ready as I’ll ever be.
Let’s do this!