Question: Thanks for the chat Brad, What would you suggest if one was hoping to be a physicist and what do we need to be good at (i.e skills such as competency in computing or very good at maths) Again, thanks for your great answers, neutrinos just blow your mind don't they!!!! (Also, you said it would be the biggest discovery in 500 years, but why?)

  1. For being a physicist, you obviously need to study physics and mathematics. Statistics is an important class to have. You have to quantify how significant your results are, so having a good background in statistics is important. Writing is also important – there is lots of writing papers, proposals, reports, etc. Computing would also be good, as a lot of programming is needed. However you can pick it up along the way so its not as critical. I do like programming though.

    If neutrinos were moving faster than the speed of light, then it will alter everything we know and understand. Not only would relativity have to change, but lots of things derived from that and based on that knowledge would have to change. Its ramifications would be mind-blowing. I’d say in about the last 500 years because since Newton, Kepler, Copernicus, and others, its impact on science would have the same profound impact as their work.

