Question: Hi Chris, why are you studying leukemia? has somebody you know been affected by it, or are you studying it because you want to help the world?
Asked bytylertoChris on 21 May 2012. This question was also asked by tayla07.
Hi Tyler. I do have a couple of relatives who have been affected by leukemia, but I was studying it before they became ill so that isn’t the reason. I chose to study because I found it interesting and saw an opportunity to make a difference. If it does the help the world (and I think it is, a little bit), then I would be happy.
Hi Tyler. I do have a couple of relatives who have been affected by leukemia, but I was studying it before they became ill so that isn’t the reason. I chose to study because I found it interesting and saw an opportunity to make a difference. If it does the help the world (and I think it is, a little bit), then I would be happy.