Is there anything dangerous about your job, Brad?
by jh01
to Brad, Chris .
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what is eye shadow made of?
by whi0039
to Brad, Chris .
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Is there any “friendly rivalry” between you two?
by jh01
to Brad, Chris .
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have you ever disected a rat? we are about to at school, any tips? we are looking at the heart?
by whi0039
to Brad, Chris .
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whats you favourite thing about astronomy
by tayla07
to Brad .
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Why do you think you can inspire other kids wanting to be scientist one day?
by tayla07
to Brad, Chris .
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What is matter?
by allisonbuddy
to Brad, Chris .
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hi brad do you know what causes the earth to orbit and what causes gravity
by allisonbuddy
to Brad .
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What is Anti-matter?
by captainspastic
to Brad, Chris, Herbert .
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What is your one wish or goal that you hope to achieve through studying science?
by tayla07
to Brad, Chris, Herbert .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
What is your favourite part of science, for me, its the hands on activities?
by tayla07
to Brad, Chris, Herbert .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
What exactly is dark matter?
by millie
to Brad .
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What sort of future does science have?
by rebeccawilliams
to Herbert .
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What is the role of vitamin D and folic acid in the evolution of skin color?
by millie
to Brad, Chris, Herbert .
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Don’t fish scales get put in lipstick?
by jh01
to Herbert .
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No offence or anything, but, why are you bald?
by jh01
to Chris .
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What’s the coolest part of your job?
by jh01
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert .
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Do you hope to go in to outer space one day?
by jh01
to Brad .
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Why, out of all the countries in the world, would you spend the money to help education in Africa?
by tayla07
to Goli .
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why did you choose to work with the Nexcare brand
by tayla07
to Herbert .
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When you hear the word “science”, what is the first thing that comes into your mind?
by tayla07
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert .
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Do you think science is the only thing that keeps our world together?
by tayla07
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Why does leukemia interest you? And why does MDS target certain cells?
by p01246
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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Thank you so much for trying to find a cure/ prevention for Leukemia! ‘I voted you you’ !!!
by p01283
to Chris .
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Brad, why did you decide to be a scientist instead of being a soccer player?
by bellabuddygizmo
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
do you believe there are aliens??
by p04879
to Brad .
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How did dinosours become extinct?
by bellabuddygizmo
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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Whats ur fav topic in science? e.g. chemistry
by p04879 and 1 other.
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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What is your favourite elememt?
by p01443
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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is there a cancer which you would have the largest chance of surviving from?
by sophiaaa
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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If you werent a scientist, what would you be?
by zoeisababe
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
what is an ever evolving environment ?
by teale98
to Herbert .
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why did you choose to study this disease?
by dif0004 and 1 other.
to Goli, Chris .
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why is it that we HUMANS find it extremely hard to simplify how the brain works,
why do we find it so difficult to
by alap
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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Where did you find the Placoderms’s bones
by 1234r
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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is being a scientis as hard as it looks?
by steph98
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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how do people get lukiemia?
by dif0004
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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Why are you studying leukemia? has somebody you know been affected or because you want to help?
by tyler and 1 other.
to Chris .
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are there any chances of mutating a human or alienify a human if it is then how
by alap
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
Comments: (No comments so far)
If you could do one thing (absolutely anything) what would it be?
by jh01
to Herbert, Brad, Chris, Goli, Kate .
Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
how deep down can you go un the earth?
by alap
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
Comments: (No comments so far)
Is either of the mutations in cancer more deadly then the other?
by drew
to Goli .
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is there anything behind the sun?
by maniak
to Brad .
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Would you think designing Macbooks for apple is a scientest?
by joshua1235
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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if there a oher universes, what would they be like?
by p04879
to Brad .
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Brad Is it possible that there is sustainable life on one of Jupiter’s moons?
by cody
to Brad .
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how does earth move around?
by username69
to Brad .
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Hey Brad, what is the earth made of in the centre, and how far down is it?
by rblakers
to Brad .
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could all the scientists tell me how what they are doing could help the world ???
by fenng222 and 1 other.
to Brad, Chris, Goli, Herbert, Kate .
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do you enjoy working in the garvan institute?what do you like/not like about it
by jagreen
to Goli .
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